和諧粉彩源⾃⽇本,由細⾕典克先⽣於2003年創⽴的⼀⾨⼤衆 藝術。 細⾕先⽣發現⽇本⼈在職場上情緒壓抑的問題很值得正 視,於是想藉⼀種簡單、放鬆的作畫⽅法,讓⼈們從中獲得放 鬆、愉悅的感覺,透過這⾨藝術紓解壓⼒與情緒。 他隨後成⽴了⽇本粉彩希望協會JPHAA,希望把這⾨藝術推廣開去,讓更 多⼈感受到藝術療癒的威⼒。
工作坊時數︰約2小時 (可完成約1-2幅作品)
工作坊地點︰JCCAC L6-25
親子價:$450 (1個家長+1小童)
Nagomi Art, a form of Japanese art healing founded in Japan, using pastels and fingers to create a gentle, transparent, warm, and heart-touching art through simple yet unique ways of painting techniques.
The therapeutic nature of this art is able to create a sense of harmony and enhance the self-esteem of the painter.
This art helps to calm and relax one’s mind as the painters go through the process to choose and blend the colors and complete the beautiful art piece all by themselves. It’s an art for everyone and anyone!
Parents and kids will be drawing together and can finish 1 -2 artworks within the 2.5 hour session.
Duration︰Approx. 2 hours (1 to 2 Artworks can be done)
Venue︰JCCAC L-625
Date & Time︰Please book 3 days prior to the actual workshop day
Price:$ 450 (1 parent + 1 kid)
Terms & Conditions: No Refund