和諧粉彩準指導師證書課程 JPHAA Certified Associate Instructor Course
和諧粉彩準指導師證書課程 JPHAA Certified Associate Instructor Course
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 和諧粉彩準指導師證書課程 JPHAA Certified Associate Instructor Course
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 和諧粉彩準指導師證書課程 JPHAA Certified Associate Instructor Course

和諧粉彩準指導師證書課程 JPHAA Certified Associate Instructor Course


日本和諧粉彩(Pastel Nagomi Art)是由日本細谷典克先生於2002年創辦,翌年成立Japan Pastel Hope Art Association ( JPHAA ) 日本粉彩希望藝術協會。這指繪療癒藝術,是一種源自日本的獨特繪畫方式,透過簡單的繪畫方法,運用粉彩和手指來彩繪創作者内在的色彩,為不同年紀的人的心靈帶來和諧、寧静和喜悦。


  • 完成3天全日課程 (或可分6個半日)可申請JPHAA準指導師証書

  • 透過完成 18-20幅特定主題的粉彩畫,包括四季、風景、人物、情緒、抽象等,藉此學習多種和諧粉彩技巧。

  • 可開辦體驗班

 │日期│ 歡迎查詢(設平日或假日班)

│地點│ JCCAC L6-25
│時間│ 歡迎預約及查詢
準指導師培訓:$6500/位 (包用具及證書), 2 人同有9折優惠

條款: 不設退款

Founded in Japan by Mr Hosoya Norikatsu, Nagomi Art uses sensorial touch from painting with fingers to help bring a sense of harmony and inner peace to the artist. There is something especially therapeutic about an art form where fingers become the brush on the canvas.

JPHAA Certified Associate Instructor Course

  • 3 full-day or 6 half-days course with JPHAA certificate

  • Can organize interested class after completing the course

  • HK$6,500 including materials and Certificate application fee , 10% off for 2 people enrolling at the same time

 Venue︰JCCAC L6-25

Date & Time︰Feel free to call and book

For more info, please Whatsapp / Signal: 92612948

Terms & Conditions:No Refund